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Battery charging / replacement

Consumer Connection > Battery charging / replacement
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Smartphones continue to get faster, and every update comes with a host of new features that promise to make your life easier. But this technology can also sap your battery life, causing you frustration.

If your Android™ is draining faster than normal, don’t panic. At Asurion, our experts help millions of customers resolve phone repair issues like this every day using simple solutions. Here’s their guide on what causes Android battery drain and how to fix it.

Why is my Android phone dying so fast?

Your Samsung Galaxy® or Google Pixel® battery could be draining quickly for a number of reasons. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • There are too many push notifications and alerts draining the battery.
  • There are too many apps running location services.
  • There are too many apps running in the background.
  • The screen is too bright.
  • The screen is staying on too long before going to sleep.
  • The phone doesn’t have service.
  • The phone’s operating system is outdated.
  • There are extreme temperature variations affecting your phone and battery.
  • The phone’s battery is at the end of its life cycle.

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